At The Crossroads

A Theatrical experience you can both lose and find yourself in. A wickedly moving show!

Have you ever loved something so much that nothing else mattered? But when it was taken from you, it took every fiber of your being not to die.

Strap yourself in. Expect the unexpected. That’s how life is and this show is life!

Dale Burridge is a master storyteller who thought his career ended twenty years ago. Little did he realise he was just getting started.

A love story between a boy and his passion for performing. This deeply profound and powerfully moving truth about how life weaves one way and our dreams seem to go another. The moments of joy we feel when we are performing as ourselves and creating lasting connection with others.

“Burridge has a gloriously rich voice and it’s worth the price of the ticket just to hear him sing”

Theatre People

If the story isn’t enough to make you swoon, the contrasting vocal tones from velvety smooth to powerfully rich which Burridge uses like a master painter, to offer his audience a richly diverse pallet of spectacular vocal genius.

Co-written by Dale Burridge & Martin Crewes, Directed by Martin Crewes, Musical Director – Bev Kennedy.

Dale is backed by Bev Kennedy on piano and Nathan Post on Double Bass.

At The Crossroads was launched in Melbourne in December 2021 at Chapel off Chapel and due to popular demand is making a return season.

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‘At The Crossroads’

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